It was just a complete out-of-body experience. 那真的是一场完全超乎想象的体验。
I was beginning to feel like I was having an out-of-body experience. 我开始觉得有点灵魂出窍的感觉。
I have to have an out-of-body experience, and I have to have it now. 我曾经灵魂出壳过,现在我必须再来一次。
At precisely that moment, some other mother, somewhere out in the universe, must have been having an out-of-body experience and decided to descend into my body to seize control of my vocal cords. 就在那一瞬间,一些母性的东西,来自外星球的某个地方,一定是有过出窍的经验,决定要进入我的身体并且控制了我的语言系统。
You ever heard of an out-of-body experience? 你听说过灵魂出窍这回事吗?
On Integration of Man and Nature and Combination of Yin and Yang& Analysis on Soul as an Old Philosophy; out-of-body experience 天人合一,阴阳共体&浅谈魂魄是一种古老的哲学观
More evidence later emerged that a malfunctioning TPJ was at the heart of the out-of-body experience. 之后有更多证据证明,出错的TPJ是灵魂出窍体验的核心。
But scientists now claim they have dispelled this myth by artificially creating an out-of-body experience using computers and cameras. 然而科学家却称,通过电脑和摄像机可以人工创造尘铋魂出窍的觉得,进而破除这样的迷信思想。
I feel like I am having an out-of-body experience. 我感想我有点魂不附体了。(我觉得我是语无伦次了。)